Silicone paint for exterior wall 有机硅外墙漆
silicone insulating paint 有机硅绝缘漆
Silicone resin paint 含硅树脂涂料 ; 有机硅树脂漆类
silicone rubber paint 专业生产硅橡胶油墨 ; 本公司专业生产硅橡胶油墨
Silicone heat-resistant paint 有机硅耐热漆
Silicone resin heat-resistant paint 有机硅耐高温漆
silicone thermoindicator paint 有机硅示温漆
silicone modified alkyd paint 硅改性醇酸树脂漆
So all tool used in the construction of silicone anti fouling paint must be new or carefully cleaned up.
Silicone anti fouling paint can not be mixed withother paint.
Self-polishing. Silicone antifouling paint coating surface is very smoothand not sticky of Marine biology, Even attach as long asthe ship reached a certain speed, the surface can clean itself.